Our purpose

We stand up for the Cornish countryside and we aim to:

Lobby Councillors, MPs and Ministers to advocate and pursue the development of environmentally sound policy and legislation on planning that fits Cornwall’s particular character and needs.

Research and interpret the main national and local policies that affect Cornwall’s countryside and environment in order to more effectively influence and alert official and public opinion on the likely results of those policies.

Look at planning applications, particularly when local people ask us to do so, then if we have concerns, oppose those that breach the existing rules and safeguards, and are damaging to our Cornish countryside and rural way of life.

Encourage development on brown field sites, the re-use of empty or under-occupied buildings and the provision of affordable homes including for social rent in locations where there is work, transport and a sustainable community.

Campaign for the provision of adequate infrastructure including public transport, drainage and renewable power to support local communities in Cornwall and enable sustainable development.

Campaign for sustainable environmental initiatives to mitigate climate change like tree planting and flood prevention as well as supporting biodiversity, wildlife conservation and the preservation of Cornish hedges.

Support and encourage sustainable agriculture, local food production, fishing and other rural industries.

Support and encourage tourism in Cornwall at levels consistent with the important infrastructure and environmental limitations imposed by Cornwall’s own very special nature.




Trevose Head by Rowena Castillo Nicholls.

Porthleven by Darren Welsh

Pendower Beach by Rowena Castillo-Nichols